Striptease for Sex: Striptease, Basic BDSM, & Kink on a Budget
Ever wish you could gracefully navigate and elongate those moments between being fully dressed and completely nude? Has a partner suggested you “dance” for them, and you were confused by what they meant? Did you scratch your head through “Showgirls” or “Flashdance” wondering how they make stripping look so effortless? Then this is the class for you!
With Andre Shakti as your guide, you’ll discover the history of striptease and learn the art of clothing removal paired with confidence-boosting exercises and seductive dancing techniques. In addition to obtaining a range of sexy tips and tricks for getting out of any piece of clothing, you’ll also learn how to incorporate a partner into the fun, and how to use the clothes you shed as props in the bedroom! This workshop is open to all, but keep in mind that participation IS required! Come dressed in clothing you can move comfortably in, and bring lots of layers! (As with all of our workshops, this workshop will not include any nudity!)
Andre Shakti is a journalist, educator, performer, activist, and professional slut living in Baltimore. She is devoted to normalizing alternative desires, de-stigmatizing sex workers and their clients, and not taking herself too seriously. Andre wrestles mediocre white men into submission and writes about sex work, queerness and non-monogamy for Cosmopolitan, Rewire, Thrillist, MEL, Vice, Autostraddle, and more. She can frequently be found marathoning Law & Order: SVU under a chaotic pile of partners and pitbulls, and yes, she knows how problematic that show is. Visit her on Twitter @andreshakti, on FB as "Andre Shakti", at, and as a pleasure professional on her Patreon, where she writes exclusively for people who want to go deeper.